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Last update 75 days ago


Capri B&B

Il tuo B&B a Capri

Capri B&B

Booking Form

Tu sei qui: B&BHedera Capri B&B

Written by peppecapri (peppecapri), Sunday, July 7, 2019 5:52:46 PM

Last updated Friday, June 17, 2022 8:51:34 PM

Hedera Capri B&B


via caprile, 11h


Delightfully restored Bed and Breakfast in a typical Capri villa.Equipped with air conditioning, free wi-fi, private bathroom, and all the comforts of a bed and breakfast.
Two double bedrooms, to which can be added comfortable and spacious beds. A terrace where you can spend your holiday with complete relaxation and where breakfast will be served in the summer months.
Located in the center of Anacapri (to the right of the Carabinieri barracks), a short walk from the Bus stop for Capri, Faro, the Blue Grotto and the main tourist attractions.Maria and her family will welcome you in the famous and international style of Capri.

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