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Last update 75 days ago


Capri B&B

Il tuo B&B a Capri

Capri B&B

Booking Form

Tu sei qui: GastronomyColumbus Capri Bar Restaurant

Columbus Capri Bar Restaurant

Written by Antonio (Antonio),
Saturday, May 14, 2022 12:52:28 PM


Edoardo enjoys decorating the Capuchins that he composes by whipping milk by ear so as to become a soft, dense and enveloping layer .... the right awakening in the morning or the moment to dedicate during the day! The cap is a balance of sweetness and aggressiveness, the delicacy of milk on the strength of coffee!

I assure you unique! It is worthwhile to come and try it and tell the bartender your name that you will find it imprinted on the hood!


From Columbus we can reach with all the staff any place on the island of Capri where you want to organize a dinner or a banquet |

Our typical Caprese cuisine directly at your home!


To discover the most hidden secrets of the typical Caprese cuisine you just have to get to work! Our chefs will guide you in the direction of fun to learn how to make ravioli or stuffed courgette flowers! Then if you want to walk in the unspoiled nature of the Isle of Capri, is there better than a picnic?

You walk and we provide you with a backpack equipped with everything to spend an unforgettable day enlivened by a delicious lunch!


Salita Caposcuro 8 ,80071 Anacapri (NA)

Last updated Saturday, May 14, 2022 12:52:28 PM

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