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Capri B&B

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Tu sei qui: Places to DiscoverVilla Jovis

Villa Jovis

Written by admin (admin),
Saturday, December 9, 2017 10:13:09 AM

The villa located in the eastern part of the island, opposite the Punta Campanella, was also explored by Amedeo Maiuri. The structures at the surface is about 7000 square meters., But assumes that the magnitude was greater for the presence of gardens and other outdoor areas.

Studies show that the first stones were laid in the structure during the Augustan period, subsequently amended during the tiberian period from the namesake imperator, who chose the island as a place of fixed abode for the last period of his life from 27 to 37 AD. There is evidence that the villa, still in good condition, was used during the medieval period.

Visiting hours:
9:00 to 13:00

Contact the information office of Capri for more informations

Last updated Monday, December 11, 2017 10:09:02 AM

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