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Last update 75 days ago


Capri B&B

Il tuo B&B a Capri

Capri B&B

Booking Form

Tu sei qui: B&BB&B Monte Solaro

Written by rosanna (rosanna), Monday, December 4, 2017 3:49:46 PM

Last updated Thursday, February 6, 2020 3:48:36 PM

B&B Monte Solaro


Via Monte Solaro 30



Bed and breakfast Monte Solaro is located in Anacapri, at the foot of the mountain from which it takes its name, and just a ten minute walk away from Piazza della Pace, where you can catch buses to Capri, the Grotta Azzurra and the lighthouse.

Costanzo and his family will be happy to drive you from the Piazza to the B&B and vice-versa.

The B&B lies right next to the footpath leading to the Hermitage of Cetrella. In just 20 minutes you'll find yourself in a gorgeous, flower-strewn valley, from where magnificent views of Capri and the island's legendary Faraglioni can be seen.

Strong walkers will want to continue the climb, to reach the summit of Monte Solaro, some 589 meters above sea level, and a panorama guaranteed to take their breath away.

If you like the easy life: save your legs and take the chairlift to the summit of Monte Solaro instead!

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