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Tu sei qui: Places to DiscoverPunta Carena and Faro

Punta Carena and Faro

Written by admin (admin),
Saturday, December 9, 2017 10:15:06 AM

Beginning or end of the path of the forts, this seaside town is characterized by a picturesque inlet situated to the southwest of the island. Rich rocks with unique shapes and characterized by mixed and abundant vegetation Punta Carena is one of the best places to enjoy the sun, the sea and especially the beautiful sunsets of Capri. It has a second place in Italy with the largest and most powerful lighthouse after Genoa.

Get Directions

From Anacapri:
By bus from Piazza della Pace (15 minutes).
Taxi from Victoria Square (10-15 minutes).
On foot, from Piazza Vittoria (50 minutes).

Last updated Monday, December 11, 2017 10:15:29 AM

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