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Last update 75 days ago


Capri B&B

Il tuo B&B a Capri

Capri B&B

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Tu sei qui: B&BAgriturismo del Sole

Written by Fortino (Fortino), Monday, December 4, 2017 3:24:05 PM

Last updated Thursday, June 3, 2021 1:59:15 PM

Agriturismo del Sole


Via Migliera 15


The Farm of the Sun and 'the only one on the island of Capri. A complete renovation has transformed what was an old country ruin in a charming residence preserving the traditional structure made of stone and bricks left exposed. In total the farm of the Sun has five bedrooms, three standard, a Junior Suite and a Suite with private terrace overlooking the sea.

Farm of the Sun the flavors are simple and true island. The farm offers a family atmosphere inviting guests to discover the country tradition.

Integrated services:

- Wi-fi

- Conditioned air

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