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Last update 75 days ago


Capri B&B

Il tuo B&B a Capri

Capri B&B

Booking Form

Tu sei qui: B&BCapri Dreaming B&B Anacapri

Written by Fortino (Fortino), Wednesday, October 31, 2018 8:12:55 PM

Last updated Monday, March 8, 2021 3:35:45 PM

Capri Dreaming B&B Anacapri


Via filietto 21

+39 333 341 8552

318/5000In the historic center of Anacapri, between the dry stone walls and the low white houses there is a small Bed and Breakfast, where you can breathe the air of home.Capri Dreaming is the dream of the owners, of this typical island house, to offer its guests comfort, relaxation and family welcome during their holiday in Capri.

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